All body movements are based on and supported by “primitive reflexes” that we are born with. Injury/ Illness or trauma can alter the ability of these reflexes to support mature stability and movement.
Techniques used by our therapists work to re-establish the ability of these reflexes to work automatically without our thinking about them.
Therapists at Busy Bodies study the Masgutova method of reflex integration.
Learn more about the Masgutova method:
Cognitive, Emotional and Mood disorders
that create physical symptoms in children and young adults?
Emotion and Attention can CAUSE and BE AFFECTED BY problems in the body such as pain, balance and coordination problems and tension
Through movement and use of the body’s sensory system, we can open new doors to focus, control and function in the classroom or on the playground/sports field.
The body can be used to retrain the brain to use mental pathways that are more efficient at control and attention.Coordination activities in the body can be used to improve signal transmission in the brain.
A thorough evaluation can determine the extent that movement may help your child’s brain growth and function.
Often, symptoms can be treated with a few weeks of training and following through with a home program afterwards.